Fits Bergeon 6173 Rack-Press, Bergeon 5500 Press and all presses that take the Bergeon Screw-on dies. Side-wall thickness measures 5.05 mm. Tapered at. 44 X 42 mm. Reversible die is 44 mm diameter on one side and is 42 mm on the other. BERG-5500-10 $14.50. Individual Die with Tapered Wall Bergeon 5500-. Crystal Press with 28 Dies Bergeon 5500-A. Complete set for fitting unbreakable watch crystals with or without tension ring. Die-cast alloy press has an opening. Watch Case Press Bergeon 5500and other professional jeweler and watchmaker supplies at Cas-Ker Jewelers Supplies. Watch Case Press Dies Bergeon 5500-04-XLand other professional jeweler and watchmaker supplies at Cas-Ker Jewelers Supplies.
Products per row 2 3 4 5 6. Precision Press, Bergeon 6173. view more. Precision Press Micrometric Stop, Bergeon. view more. Press Die Set, Bergeon 5500A. This watch tool makes watch repair like unbreakable watch crystal fitting easier. Press is designed to press unbreakable watch crystals. The 10 dies are cast iron. SWISS MADE BERGEON 5500 A CRYSTAL CASE BACK PRESS TOOL SET FOR WATCH-MAKER NEW in Jewelry Watches, Watches, Parts, Tools.
The bergeon 5500 is great and comes with the tapered dies which are also good for closing snap back cases.