Thursday, 12 January 2012

Iwc serial numbers

25+ Items - IWC watch serial numbers and production dates. I wonder when it was manufactured, the serial number is 3177012, any ideas Reply Valid entry in Index of Movement Numbers n/a. Click here for free information about your watch based on the serial number. IWC International Watchckford. South Bend. Waltham or click here. DateYourIWC is a utility which let you derive date of origin and some other production information from the movement and/or case number of watches produced. IWC Serial Numbers. IWC. Serial Number Manufacture Dates. 0 – 10.000 = 1880 – 1886 10001 – 50000 = 1886 – 1890 100000 – 200000 = 1890 – 1899

I have a iwc Doppelchronograph that I am going to put up for trade but **Edited, because I linked to a site that reffed IWC serial numbers to.

Elite Timepieces - IWC Watch Serial Numbers

My friend is trying to sell me his IWC Portuguese 3714 which he bought about 2nd: The papers appear to have the model number and serial. IWC International Watch Co. this page without cursor trail. offizielle Webseiteofficial THE tool for IWC enthusiasts: Check case and movement serial numbers.

IWC papersauthenticity - Forum - Watchuseek

Mar 27, 2012 While he was there, he took a picture of a $30 “IWC” watch. certificate to see if the serial numbers on the accompanying material match up. Even today, IWC is the only major horological house to be based in German. It is well worth taking notice of IWC serial numbers, as these can often tell us an. This serial numbers are compiled alphabetically by the watch brand. SERIAL. 5200001=1929 5400001=1931 5500001=1938 5600000=1948 IWC.

Final part of the chase was to contact IWC and see if they could verify the serial number and that the paperwork looked legit and intact. So, via. I purchased a IWC 5001 on the gray market from a pretty. My question is, “Do the IWC papers come with the serial number of the watch on. If interested in selling your IWC watch, learn about the process to sell to evaluate, where they discovered that the serial numbers had been removed. The International Watch Co. also known as IWC or IWC Schaffhausen for the Serial numbers 10,001 through 50,000, for example, denote an IWC pocket. Brief history of the Illinois Watch Company including watch dates and serial numbers. The first movement made by Florentine Aristo Jones, the U.S. founder of IWC in The B example is noteworthy as early production, with a serial number under.

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