Monday, 10 June 2013

Swiss army alox

The classic Swiss Army Cadet Alox knife is precision-crafted for quality and durability. $22.93 – $ Swiss Army products can only be shipped to U.S. addresses. Victorinox. Victorinox Swiss Army brand knives have a legacy of over 125 years. Karl Elsener started Victorinox Money Clip Silver Alox. In Stock. Model # VN-. Oct 15, 2012 Now 24 years later after many tool and gear purchases, I decided to drop a few bucks (and I mean a few, like $23) on a Victorinox Alox Cadet. The Victorinox Soldier is the 'True' Swiss Army Knife having been the official 2007 the 93mm Alox scaled design was the official issue for the Swiss army and. The Victorinox Cadet features an aluminum handle, large blade, nail file with nail cleaner, can opener with small screwdriver, bottle opener with wire stripper.

3 (74Mm) Swiss Army Knives Victorinox Ambassador Alox Swiss Army Knife, Ambassador Alox, Large blade, nail file, scissors in a light aluminum alox body. Dec 29, 2013 I still want to pay my respects, write this review, and share with you a tool that I hold quite near and dear. the humble Victorinox Alox Cadet. I think to wanting something from Victorinox. I really like the look of their Alox ( silver) series. So what I'm looking for is a Victorinox Alox version.

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