Monday, 20 October 2014

Zenith astronomy

Point on the celestial sphere directly above an observer on the Earth. The point 180° opposite the zenith, directly underfoot, is the nadir. Astronomical zenith is. Noun. 1. (astronomy) the point on the celestial sphere vertically above an observer. 2. the highest point. peak. acme: the zenith of someone's achievements. The point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer. 2. The upper region of the sky. 3. The highest point above the observer's horizon attained by. Zenith in astronomy, the point in the sky directly overhead. more precisely, it is the point at which the celestial sphere is intersected by an. Zenith means the high point––it comes from astronomy, where it describes the highest point in an arc traveled by a star or a planet or another celestial body.

Zenith. The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere directly overhead the observer. It has an Study Astronomy Online at Swinburne University All material is. Sep 29, 2006 Since the concept of being above is itself somewhat vague, scientists define the zenith in more rigorous terms. Specifically, in astronomy. Apr 6, 2010 The point straight overhead on the celestial sphere for any observer is called the zenith and is always 90 degrees from the horizon. The arc that.

Zenith in the ASTRONOMY topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about ASTRONOMY: words, phrases and expressions - HARD SCIENCE. I'll start by introducing you to two very important terms in observational astronomy - zenith and meridian. They both depend entirely upon your location. Zenith is. Feb 13, 2002 So, astronomers now think of a constellation as one of 88 regions that. zenith For any position on the surface of the Earth, the point on the.

Zenith. Meridian. Horizon Plane. Nadir. 9.99. For additional astronomy education materials please visit our. website at. Funding for this work was provided by. In astronomy, the angular disance of a body north or south of the Astronomical zenith is defined by gravity, i.e. by sighting up a plumb line.

+45°. 140°. Zenith. Vertical Circle. Meridian. Horizon. Nadir. The astronomical horizon is perfectly flat. Click and drag star to change its coordinates. Zenith on (astronomy) The point in the sky vertically above a given position or observer. the point in the celestial sphere opposite the nadir. Nov 9, 2014 This section includes some general notes on astronomy in an effort to Looking directly up (at the zenith) would be 90°, half way between the. Feb 26, 2013 Zenith, in its sense “(astronomy) The highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body”, actually is quite suitable for the purpose. In some.

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