The point of the celestial sphere, directly opposite the zenith. inferior pole of the horizon. point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where we stand. What's the opposite of, A B C D E F G H I J K L. What is another word for zenith What is the plural of How do you pronounce the word zenith More Words. Clue: Zenith's opposite. Zenith's opposite is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. There are related clues (shown below). Opposite of zenith word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the opposite of zenith. bottom. low. nadir. Hope the above listing of antonyms. Middle English. from Middle French. from Medieval Latin. from Arabic nair, in nair as-samt, literally, opposite to the zenith. from nair, opposite + as-samt.
Zenith, Nadir. Zenith is the point of the heavens immediately over the head of the spectator. Nadir is the opposite point, immediately beneath the spectator's feet. Nadir: Astronomy A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith. Zenith opposite -- Find potential to this crossword clue at. The opposite of zenith (high point, apex) would be nadir (lowest point). Other possible antonyms would be minimum or bottom. In astronomical terms, the point in.
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Feb 4, 2015 The latest tools, equipment and techniques for jewelry professionals will be shared next month at Stuller's annual Bench Jeweler Workshop. September 09, 2014. Lafayette, La.--After an overwhelmingly positive response to its spring Bench Jewelers Workshop, Stuller announced Wednesday that it.
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